Thursday, January 31, 2013

Involve yourself!

Did you know that getting engaged in campus life is positively linked to better student success? These areas include effective reasoning and problem solving, leadership, well-being, and continuation towards completing your degree? What more incentive do you need to get involved? How about it’s also fun and a chance to make great new friends!
The Office of Student Activities and Leadership (OSAL) encourages each and every student to get engaged in some form of campus life. This can be through student organizations, living learning communities, Intramural sports, jobs on campus, study abroad, going to campus programs, or participating in service events. And these are just a few - there is so much to choose from at ODU! So my challenge to you is to Involve Yourself! And guess what? OSAL can help you accomplish that goal. Through our Involvement Counselor Program, you can meet with student involvement counselors who will help you get connected to what interests you on campus.
I want to also tell you about joining OrgSync and starting your co-curricular transcript. The Co-Curricular Transcript is similar to an academic transcript in that it is a historical listing of all the co-curricular activities a student participates in during college. It provides a supplement to your academic transcript that lists all your involvement, leadership, and service. This will help you remember all the activities that you did and also help you when job hunting. Your activities out of the class can help you land the job of your dreams!
So get out there and get involved. Join an organization, go to programs, participate in activities, volunteer, and be a leader. Create a co-curricular transcript. Become a success. You won't regret it! This article was written by, Nicole Kiger, the Director of Student Activities and Leadership.

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