Sunday, April 29, 2012

Student Government Update

Here is a message about the year in review and the year to come from recently elected Student Body President Mariam Abdelhamid:

Dear Monarchs, 

As Old Dominion University expands into becoming larger, more residential, and more reputable institution, change is ultimately natural. In order to have a student perspective within that change, the Student Government Association (SGA) serves as a liaison for students in various issues that are presented. The Student Government Association is made up of 5 elected officials, 8 executive positions (which include 6 directors that oversee committees), and 50 senators. Each senator must serve on a committee and even has the option to 'chair' that committee. We have 11 committees; Finance, Sustainability, Health, Parking/Transportation, Safety, Academics, Organizations, Legislative Affairs, Diversity, Dining, and Housing. You do not have to be a senate member to join a committee, which is a widely spread misconception. In order to become a senator though, you must fill out the application form, found on the SGA website (, or come directly to the SGA office (located in the U Center of Webb Center) to pick up a tangible copy. Please be aware that senate meetings are every Tuesday at 3:30 PM. 

My name is Mariam Abdelhamid and, as your newly elected student body president, I have the great honor of discussing with you the intentions of the student government association, various activities we consistently do, and various new tradition/ideas we hope to impememt.

A few activities we are known to consistently do:

* Allocate a $650,000 budget to student organizations (requests totaled over $2.5 million this past year). 
* Cosponsor events or provide contingency funds to organizations in dire need.
* Plan and administer safety walks (to identify unsafe locations) and bike safety workshops.
* Distribute exam packets near finals week (blue book, scantron, pens/pencils).
* Organize General Assembly Day, where ODU students are given the opportunity to go to Richmond and lobby for additional state funding. 
* Host STD awareness sessions.
* Cosponsor 'diversity based' events and partake in the International Festival.
* Other activities involve advocacy, such as issues on dining, housing, sustainability, and parking. We often have surveys and programs to start conversations with students, to properly identify issues on campus. 

Some initiatives that are either in the works (from this current year) or are on the table for next year, are:

* Grade Forgiveness policy change (where any grade is eligible to 'retake' a class, not just a C- or below).
* Library hours to be extended on weekends & printing capabilities to be consistent for all students.
* Housing guest pass policy change (where the process would be similar to those of other schools).
* Answers to the many questions students have - parking and dining have consistently come up.
* Exam 'reading day' policy - some schools have multiple days, or have finals start on a Monday so that is is fair for all. 
* Increasing student employment on campus (at eateries and other facilities on campus). 
* Ensuring that freshman students are aware of 'ODU Alerts' and how to be notified.

This is merely a sample of the issues we are facing here on campus, but as a legislative body we hope to meet the needs of our 24,500 students and are ultimately unable to adequately do so without a filled senate. I strongly urge and encourage you to consider applying to be a senator (or even an executive board member - student announcements has more information on how to become an executive board member) in order to ensure that your voice, your concerns, and your initiatives are heard. Although you may only be 1 out of 24,500, every concern you have is a concern another student has, has had, or will have. I hope you take on the challenge of becoming involved in an organization that facilitates and fosters change, that being the Old Dominion University Student Government Association. 

Best regards,

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